Monday, July 9, 2007

Just like that...

I am experiencing Writer's block... or whatever that was which a fatso faced in the Dumb movie "Lady in Water", everybody acted as if it was a term which originated from the Latin... the flowery word "Writer's Block"... whereas most of them wondered with the same awe as that of lowly citizens in the Fairy Tale "The Emperor has no clothes".
I have made two really wonderful trips one to the Vegas and another to the Sky Diving. But am not motivated enough for writing any of them. Seems the publicity and the appreciations which I received have got to my head and I will have to shake them off before I could pen something which would be readable by masses.
One of my Gud (read Beautiful) friends, told me that I try too hard to sound funny... well is it so... EGAD... I meekly+dumbly scrapped back saying "I agree, but ain't laughter is so scarce nowadays". Within 1 day of scribbling this in her scrapbuk... I came with a better version... I could have walked into her scrapbuk with James Bondish confidence(+sm arrogance) and wrote "Maybe I try to hard to sound unny, But, ain't this a coincidence that I normally succeed also...).... Man, why these brilliant ideas come to me only when I have made a complete fool of myself... Phew... I agree that God deserves some fun, but why always at the cost of some meek, harmless creatures like us...
So, readers or imaginary readers. Keep checking this space for more aimless wanderings like this one. Till, I rediscover the master blogger in me and turn out a Masterpiece like the earlier ones.
Auf Wiedersehen....

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